CBD Science: How does it work?

Posted by Rachel Nixon on

Wellness Tree Farms is committed to the best known scientific research in the development and use of our cannabinoid (CBD) products. While hemp plants with cannabinoids have been used throughout human history, medical scientists have only just begun to understand the many potential benefits of CBD to the human body and psyche.

Understanding why CBD may be a marvel at reducing pain, anxiety and other health issues begins with understanding the Human Endocannabinoid System. This highly-complex biological system is made up of endocannabinoids, lipid-based neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors found throughout the  nervous system - in the brain, nearly all organs, connective tissues, various glands, and immune system cells. By understanding this system, scientists are discovering how brain activity connects to various states of physical health and disease.

Two primary cannabinoid receptors were first identified in research done in 1992 and termed CB1 and CB2. CB1 is predominantly in the central nervous system and brain. CB2 is connected to regulating our immune system. Endocannabinoids bind to, as well as activate, cannabinoid receptors. There are two main endocannabinoids known to date - anandamide and arachidonloylgelycerol, natural cannabis-like molecules that are produced in the body to keep it in homeostasis or equilibrium or a balanced state.

The simple explanation of how they work is that some of these cannabinoids may inhibit pain, anxiety, and muscle spasticity, while others can potentially stimulate appetite and an overall sense of well being.

The discovery of the way these molecules can interact with this system, as CBD does quite well, is a big advancement in the field of wellness. These natural substances might just improve our quality of life in ways that synthetic compounds have not even come close to.

The exciting thing is that this science is just in its early stages. As the body of research rapidly grows, researchers are identifying more and more about the possible effects of specific cannabinoids on the endocannabinoid system. There is so much more to learn about the endocannabinoid system and the potential effects of a myriad of cannabis constituents besides CBD. The medical field has only begun to understand the benefits and implications of cannabis on the human body and mind.

(These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)


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